Welcome to my personal website!

This website is a place for me to show my activity, write blogs, share my hobbies, and show off some of my web skills!
This website design is heavily inspired by Nintendo's gone, but never forgotten Miiverse! Enjoy exploring my website, I will always be adding new stuff (take a look at the marquee for the latest site updates). You can take a look at what I am listening to or what's on my mind! Or explore my other sites which can be found on the About page!
Enjoy your stay! Don't forget to sign your name!

Check out my newest (mini) project... made for photographers, ps.karson.lol - I will be working on it a bit to make it neater and add some new features to it
i recently listened to:
Electric Feelby MGMT
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Made by Karson 2024.
xqcow1 on discord
Last Updated: 4/03/2024